It's that time of week again!  I will have more pictures up later this week as well, more or less from the summer palace. 

The Working Week:
Nothing much of note on Monday or Tuesday.  Wednesday, we attended an AIESEC event at TJU called "Global Village".  There, we the group gave Q & A sessions about our respective countries.  Anne Marie and I did a super Canadian powerpoint presentation with stuff that only Canadians would get.  Had tons of fun putting this together.  Afterwards, we went to The Ali Baba nearby in which we met Andi's cousin Stephan, who was staying for a few days before returning to Switzerland.  Thursday was a sick day for moi, the first I've had here in Tianjin.  I sleep a lot and start watching Breaking Bad again.  I forgot how awesome that show was.  YO MR. WHITE!

Friday: Hectic day in the late afternoon.  We find good prices to go to Xī'ān for flights, and booking issues arise.  Luckily, we were able to take care of it and get things all sorted out.  Afterwards, team Linky Sense (save for Kerim and Nghia) head to Beijing.  After checking in at the hostel, we head to the northern section to meet others at a bar called Lush, and then head to a club afterwards named Wu.  It was a good club with cheap drinks, but unfortunately they don't play ANY WU TANG CLAN AT ALL.  Why Wu why? 

Saturday: I love the mini dumplings near out hostel.  They are cheap (like 95% of stuff here) and awesome.  Unfortunately, I seemed to have lost my voice.  We go the Summer Palace, one of the bigger tourist spots in Beijing that I have not been to yet.  Although it was a little too warm out, the area is beautiful!  Afterwards, I leave a bit early to meet my friend Canbi, who I met via AIESEC Edmonton, as she is currently studying in Beijing for the semester.  We attend an University of Alberta alumni event in northwest Beijing.  It was very cool!  One of the attendees was an LCP for AIESEC Edmonton around 2000, and I met someone who was the dad of someone I went to business school with.  Afterwards, I take the shuttle bus to the (posh) hotel that a lot of the alumni are staying at by the forbidden city.  It was cool to see it late at night all lit up like Christmas.  At this point, my voice is completely shot. 

Sunday: Guess what for breaky?  More dumplings :)  Later, we head to the cheap markets again. I manage to score an Armani messenger back for very cheap, and I didn't say an entire word during negotiations (my voice was barely there).  The power of the walkaway in bartering is the best tool available to you.  I leave early to meet up with Canbi again and she shows me around Tsinghua University, the University she is currently studying at for the semester.  Also, nearly three months since being here, i FINALLY RIDE A BIKE It is super cheap to rent one, and she showed me around there for awhile.  Afterwards, we went for dinner, and enjoy a great meal full of noodles (my one weakness, besides snickers of course).  I meet the others at the hostel, as they went to an Acrobatics show.  We head back, once again having an enjoyable weekend in Beijing.  This was also Iliada's last weekend there, as she will be leaving in just over two weeks.

What's up for this week?  Xiaoran, the greatest restaurant in Tianjin today...which I have not been to since before going to Guangzhou over a month ago.  More Chinese lessons.  More Breaking Bad (and Game of Thrones, which I must say has been a bit............slow as of late).  And Xī'ān.

Ok Byebye.
Mark Seidel
5/28/2012 02:58:58 am

Look at you all fancy with your tone marks on Xī'ān. Loving the blog Paul! I'll be in Taiwan starting June 21st if that is of any interest to you.

5/28/2012 05:43:12 pm

Interesting! I will look into some things the next couple of days and get back to you on that.

5/30/2012 12:09:27 pm

So the Alumni event reps were Bill Chung (in the background in 2 pictures) as I mentioned and the chair of the Board of Governors, Doug Goss. They sent good people to visit you there!


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