So this week we stayed in Tianjin, for Iliada's last hoorah.  There was laughter.  There were tears.  There were fireworks.  There was a stipper who jumped out of a cake (maybe).
I'm gonna look the pictures do the talking here.

Funny story: There are a couple of boxes of fireworks in the girls' place that we were going to set off in the evening.  People at our complex love to set off these fireworks at 6-7am in the morning, because we all know that's a great time to set off fireworks rights?  Anyways, we set them off around 10pm.  Car alarms going off everywhere, and all was well.  Until some grumpy old man decides to come tells us that if we do that again he will...and I quote (in Chinese of course, someone translated for us) "punch us in the face." Heaven forbid setting off fireworks at 630am, but at NIGHT? NO SIR!

We also had some Chinese lanterns as light the bottom, give them some time to let the smoke rise up so they fill up, and then you release them.  Some struggled for a bit...some almost crashed into the side of buildings, or getting caught in a tree...but like magic, like something out of a movie, they flew off without a hitch.  It was glorious. 

Ok byebye. 

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