Hello again.  So now that I all got all the pictures sorted out, I feel I can now make this blog post.  Anyways...

So how have things been?  They have been swell.  Outstanding.  I got my swagger back about a week ago, so I've been in a great mood all the time more or less.  Nothing is set in stone, however, but for now, things are just rolling.  Work has been going really well!  I love the office, the look to it, how friendly everyone is, the lunch and dinner they provide, the angry bus driver woman who brings us to work each morning...there is much to discuss!  In the next day or so, I will do a blog post about work and more what it entails.  For now, I will continue writing about other things.

So what have we been up to as of late?  Things have been a bit of a blur...so it's hard to say.  Thursday night (I think), we went to Helen's which is a western style bar, and met up with the other interns who are Tianjin for different internships.  It's a nice place to go to every once in awhile to enjoy some western food and a western feel...it does a pretty good job at it!  Most of the people who were there were locals, so it was an interesting mix. 

Friday after work, we went back to my place (the penthouse, as it has been referred to), and we sat around playing the sticky head game...for lack of a better name (that's what google shows), where someone rights a name of a person (fiction or non-fiction) on a sticky note and puts it on your head.  You then ask a series of questions until you can get it right.  It's great fun and it was another good bonding session with all of us. 

Saturday was a bit of a split day...Elise and Kerim went to Beijing in the afternoon for the rest of the weekend, some went shopping, while Andi and I went to go to the ocean...or at least attempted to.  More research should have been done because there really wasn't a good way there, but it was somewhat amusing and we had quality bro bonding time.  Later that night, we went to Jon and Akio's (other interns here) and had a few drinks and went out for awhile.  All in all, it was a fun night, even if the wind was howling and made things incredibly cold. 

Sunday was another split day for awhile, as Iliada and Andi went to go make dumplings with Breanna from work, and Kerim and Elise were still Beijing.  Nghia and I took this time to sleep in a bit and I caught up with some quality time on Skype with the parents (HI MOM AND DAD) before we headed to the city center.  We found a little alleyway in the shopping district with some smaller restaurants that were cheap and soooo tasty...I don't know why it was, but it was quality stuff.  We met up later with Andi, Iliada, and Kerim and went to the Ancient Culture District, which was very cool and...ancient.  Afterwards, we took a look at the Tianjin Eye, which is very cool!  We will definitely head back there in the future as a group to go up on it. 

Monday after work we went to a gym we found with reasonable rates...it's pretty funny that just a couple of levels down there is a KFC.  We tried it out and it seems like a good place, but we haven't decided yet if we want to go to it.

So I think I've run out of steam now as far as typing goes...I'll let the pictures posted do the rest of the talking.  I will posting again in the next couple of days about how things are at work here, and other various quirks that exist in China.  再见!

I'll leave you with this groovy song...youku is what we used as there is no access to YouTube here. 


Auntie Cathy
3/12/2012 11:52:22 am

I am so glad things are going so well. Have fun!

Kat Sliwinski
3/18/2012 02:21:23 am

Wow paul looks like a blast! Glad youre having a good time and enjoying everything!!!!! You seem to be adapting far better than I imagine how i would hehe Seems you have an awesome chill crew as well! So tell me...have you found anything really rough or hard to adapt to or some weird cultural differences? Take care Have fun! And cant wait to read the next post!!!


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