I have a picture of Bob Dylan in my cubicle. Some Chinese girl gave it to me as a gift (thanks random girl). I looked over and it gave me a title for the blog post. Thanks Bob!  Anyways...
I've been getting...more streamlined with my writings. Less typing and more focus on just the pictures. This week, we have our newest member of the LInky Sense intern entourage! Colin hails from the exotic landscapes of Seattle. Colin is also Chinese, so he can help translate when we don't understand what people are saying (which is 99% of the time).

On Sunday, we celebrated Nghia's okbyebye dinner. While he still doesn't leave for a few days, it was the one last hoorah with more or less everyone (with a few people absent for various reasons) that hangs out with us on a regular basis. We will miss you dearly Nghia!

Weebly isn't be very cooperative with its image uploader today. This will have to do.

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