Hello again!  So I've been meaning to do this post for awhile now.

So what is a day like at work? 

Well...get up around 8 or so, eat my western style breakfast in my apartment (orange juice, yogurt, cheerios, and a banana with street food every once in awhile), shower and head down to the front gate of my complex.  There is always much activity in front of my complex...whether it's all the food vendors or the crazy traffic.  From there, a bus comes anytime between 8 40ish - 9ish.  Usually we get the angry bus driver lady.  She always seems to yell stuff, and we assume she is yelling at us foreigners.  I hope one day to make her my best friend in the entire world and melt her iron heart.  Or for all I know, she isn't yelling at us...but what she says, we don't know yet.  I guess when our Chinese gets better, we will figure it out. 

Anyways, our work is about a 5 minute bus ride away...we scan in (we do this several times a day), and head up to the fifth floor to the marketing department, where we (the interns) work.  As you can see, the office is very modern and everyone is very young! Everyone here is super friendly and have helped us a bunch, whether it's working on Chinese, figuring out my hot water heater, or what was going on with my cell phone bill (thanks Breanna).

What does work consist of?  So far, it's been assisting in translating various documents (such as FAQs) to "proper" English (as things get lost in translation), market research on various websites and products, as well as writing product descriptions for things such as dog products to car GPS systems.  Skype is always on (and I've probably chatted to you.  Yes!  You! ) as there is a lot of file transfers going on in the office and group chats on various things at work. 

At noon, we head down to the cafeteria for lunch.  Meals have more or less been the same, with slight variations.  Rice is always there, as well as potatoes, lots of vegetables, tofu, chicken, beef, pork, fish, and soup.  I have had no issues with it so far, and I enjoy the simplicity of it...so far. 

Once 1pm hits we head back to work...on the first floor of our building, there is a snack shop that is open during lunch that stocks a number of goodies that I indulge in every once in awhile.  More work for the afternoon, and then when 540ish rolls around...we have a couple of options.  We can grab dinner here at the cafeteria, whether to take home or to eat quickly, or we wait until 6pm and head out after work.  Tonight, for example, we will head into the city to eat some supper. 

I feel like I'm rambling here, so I will wrap things up.  It's hard to believe that two weeks have already passed since I left home.  Things are going awesome so far and the more we get settled in and familiar with each other, the better it will be!  We are a great group and have a lot of fun...and there will be more interns arriving shortly!  Very excited and curious to see how things will turn out with their arrival. 

So this weekend...Andi will be moving in with me, as the company wants the interns together, so there will be a housewarming party for that.  We have found a bar on Saturday that will celebrate St Pattys day, so we will traverse there and have a good night.  Next post will be sometime early next week to give an update of how things have been going here, amongst other topics, such as driving and different aspects about Chinese culture.  Take care and enjoy!
Katharine Sliwinski
3/20/2012 03:36:40 pm

Hey Paul! Glad to hear all is still fresh new and exciting!!! Its interesting how you're so far away but offices still look pretty similar to ours and some buildings and things, I imagined it to be much different. So how was your "chinese St. Patty's Day?" Managed to get some green beer? ;) Also I'm rather confused as to where the food is in the food picture with the pots :) Have a good time :)


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